The laboratory of Noam Ziv is seeking an MSc or PhD student to study the processes that allow the preservation of connections among brain cells (synapses) in aging and disease, as part of a large international consortium focused on this topic. The project will involve testing the effects of potentially beneficial treatments using long term imaging, molecular reporters and proteomics. Contact:
The neuroscience groups are in an active phase of growth. We are seeking highly motivated individuals for laboratory technicians, graduate studies and post-doctoral associate positions. To inquire, please contact group leaders directly for scientific details, and Dr. Shai Berlin ( for information regarding the graduate program (see also Graduate Program).
The Neural circuits for complex behavior lab is just starting and we are seeking students at all levels, including undergraduate projects, MSc and PhD.
Our lab uses advanced optical technology in behaving mice to understand how deep-brain circuits underlie complex behaviors such as decision-making and social behavior. We are especially focused on the brain’s Dopamine system and are also interested in its relation to neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism. Projects in the lab are suited to a wide variety of backgrounds including engineering, biology, computer science, and more.
For details please check out our website ( Applicants should their CV and a brief statement of research interests to Ben Engelhard at
The lab of Prof. Herman Wolosker is seeking MSc or PhD student to study new types of neuromodulators in the brain, which are important for neurological and neurodegenerative disease The laboratory uses techniques of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, generation of transgenic mice models and analysis of animal behavior. Contact:
The lab of Prof. Simone Engelender is seeking MSc or PhD studentis to investigate mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Parkinson’s disease. The lab uses various molecular biology, cell biology and neurobiology techniques, including new mice transgenic models. Contact:
The newly established Educational Neuroimaging Center at the Technion is focused on the underlying physiological and functional factors for language and reading development in children using functional MRI, advanced structural imaging techniques (e.g. Diffusion Tensor Imaging) as well as EEG and eye tracking devices.
We are seeking motivated, creative post-docs, MSc and PhD students and data analysts with a background in biology, neuroscience, computer sciences, computer/electrical/biomedical engineering interested in joining this dynamic field.
For details contact Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus at
The Theoretical Neuroscience lab is just starting and we are seeking postdocs and graduate students.
Research topics include the nature of neural representation, interaction between multiple neural timescales, and reverse engineering of recurrent neural networks. More importantly, our experimental neighbors offer a range of stimulating results to think about. Applicants should not be afraid of math.
For details please check out our website ( Applicants should send letter of interest and CV to Omri Barak at
The Neuroimmunology lab is just starting and we are seeking a lab manager, postdocs and graduate students.
Our current main project addresses the question of how the reward system in the brain affects immunity. Techniques involve optogenetics, behavioural manipulations, FACS analysis, cell biology and molecular biology.
For details please check out our website ( Applicants should send letter of interest and CV to Asya Rolls at
The Spatial Perception and Memory lab is currently seeking a postdoc or PhD student for exciting projects investigating the brain’s navigation circuits. Our goal will be to understand the underlying neural network, and thus to link different levels of analyzing the brain: from the single nerve-cell level, through the level of the neural-network, to the level of the behavior of the whole organism.
For details please check out our website ( Applicants should send letter of interest and CV to Dori Derdikman at
The lab of Prof. Gutfreund is currently seeking a highly motivated graduate student or post-doc to lead a project on attention and short term memory using multielectrode recordings in behaving animals. Applicants must have a background in neuroscience. Programming and mathematical skills will be a plus. For more details call 04-8295438 or send an e-mail to
The lab of Prof. Schiller is currently seeking a highly motivated graduate student or post-doc to lead projects dealing with questions related to the cellular basis of sensory processing and plasticity using combined microscopy, electrophysiology, histology, optogenetics and modeling methods both in-vitro in the slice preparation and in-vivo combining behavioral paradigms. For more details call 04-8295270 or send an e-mail to
The lab of Prof. Noam Ziv is currently seeking excellent graduate students or post-doc fellows for projects concerning 1) relationships between synaptic remodelling and network activity; 2) cell biology of synaptic proteins implicated in neurological disorders. Projects are highly suitable for candidates that have a keen interest in Neuroscience and are graduates of engineering or biological faculties alike. The projects involve advanced microcopy, multielectrode array recordings, and image/signal processing techniques. Programming, engineering or biological skills are an advantage. For further details call 04-8295088 or e-mail